Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Friday-Holy Saturday-Easter Sunday

It's Good Friday.Woot~It was the first time my church having 5 services for Easter.It's incredible.Overall...I really enjoyed my Easter celebration.I attended the Friday night service because this was the day that my cell group pick.I invited Hann to join me for the the way Hann is my new housemate.Wee~Finally I have a housemate.There's more to come XD.
When I reached church and I'm almost late due to the traffic-jam,everyone was queueing up.It was a long queue hoping that I will manage to get into the hall as I didn't want to miss anything.I can say that...God really loves me a whole lots.I got to pass by with no reasons and I'm in the hall.Wee~I'm blessed with a seat at the front which was really cool.
We started of with praise and worship.Followed up by Easter Drama.The drama was marvelous.Presence of God was overwhelming.It seemed so real to me.To those who knows what happened,you know what I meant(^.~)We had cell group gathering for a while before we took off for 'dinner'.I bought two 'Easter eggs' since it was the last two(It's actually the Kinder Joy chocolate egg)One given to Faith,MyCellGroupLeader and the other one for baby.I can say that I had a wonderful Good Friday^^

As for Holy Saturday,I actually didn't plan to go for the another service.Out of no where,I just feel like going.I brought along my friend,XingOnn to join me.Before we went to church,we had our dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp.Co in Sunway Pyramid just to eat.Man...I love the Alabama Mud-pie so so much.Yummy~He's such a dear friend of mine.Wonderful buddy...who always treat me like I owned the whole world.It's always 'MyDay' whenever he's around.Heart you lots^^ I'm early for the service.As usual I need to queue up.I met some of my cell groups members bringing their friends and also...a few of old school-mates.It's a surprise though.Tonight's service was great,especially during praise and worship.Even OnnOnn had fun...wee~glad you did.We were hoping to have more fun...but it was over the time that we expected...well...definately,I feel joy all the way and all of us had fun.It was totally different from the 1st service I attended.Undescribable.I'm glad that I made it to the service.God indeed a great Father.He'll never let us down.Cheerz~





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